The current First Vice-President of the Saskatchewan Archaeological Society is Denise Huynh.
Hello, my name is Denise Huynh and I have been an SAS member for over 15 years and was employed with the SAS in 2012 on the ArchaeoCaravan project. I have been a member-at-large for my children’s school’s SCC (School Community Council) and I have been interested in taking on a role with the SAS board. Now that my children are a bit older, I would like the opportunity to serve the SAS and its membership.
I have a variety of experience with archaeology in the province. I received my MA from the University of Saskatchewan and worked as a consulting archaeologist for several years, with experience working on projects in Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, British Columbia, and Yukon.
I have worked at the University of Saskatchewan Department of Archaeology and Anthropology in a part time permanent position since 2015 and am the Office and Graduate Assistant for the Department. Part of my job is identifying artifacts for those who approach the Department and to further educate them on the archaeology of Saskatchewan. I also assist in recruitment events, helping to promote the discipline to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students. Finally, I also work as an educator for the University of Saskatchewan. I have taught two classes through SSCL (Saskatoon Seniors Continued Learning) and have been a sessional instructor with the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology since 2008, teaching both Introduction to Cultural Anthropology and Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology.
In my spare time I enjoy reading, travelling, and sharing my interest in the archaeology of Saskatchewan with my family (including Tam, our two kids, and my mother – all of whom who actively take part in SAS events and experiences). Thank you for electing me to the position of First Vice-President.