The SAS is proud to offer Trappers and Traders: A Fur Trade Card Game. This game, born out of high demand, is a perfect educational resource for students and teachers. It is also a ton of fun!
- In our interactive, multi-player game, we harken back to the days of fur trading in Canada.
- Inside the box:
- 4 sets of colour-coded cards and matching paper pads. The colours represent four key players in fur trade history: Hudson’s Bay Company, North West Company, a First Nations Trading Party, and a Métis Trading Party.
- The cards represent the different goods that each group begins with. The pads represent the list of resources that each group is aiming to trade for during the game.
- The idea behind it is to create trading parties and barter, sway, and work together to find trades.
- The first team to complete their list wins!
To purchase the game, visit the product page on our online store or contact us!

Game Description
The material culture of four different groups involved in the fur trade, First Nations, Métis, the Hudson’s Bay Company, and the Northwest Company is showcased in the game. Students are divided into four groups representing each one of these groups. Each group is given a list of items they need to trade for, and 21 trading cards representing the items they must trade with. The winner of the game is the group that acquires all their needed items first. It is collaborative, strategy-based and requires players to communicate their intentions as they interact both verbally and physically with the other groups.
The outcomes of the Trappers and Traders game are to:
- demonstrate trading concepts such as resource availability, market, strategy, negotiation etc.,
- provide a dynamic teaching tool to supplement curriculum that incorporates archaeology,
- familiarize players with the concepts of material culture; and
- raise awareness of regional and national history, and how events and practices from a few hundred years ago are still affecting descendants of those participants.

Additional Materials
Additional scorepads in English and French and instructions in French are available as free downloads.
Check out our Teacher’s Guide too!
The Canadian Homeschooler’s review of the game can be found here.
“If you have educators looking for an engaging way to bring the fur trade to life for middle years and secondary students, I highly recommend the Saskatchewan Archaeological Society’s Trappers and Traders: A Fur Trade Card Game as it’s affordable, interactive, culturally relevant and fun”
–J. Letendre, Indigenous Perspectives Consultant, Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division.
“The fur trading game went awesome. Kids loved it. They were bartering back and forth for a long time. I have already recommended it to some co-workers.”
–A. Lalonde, Grade 7 Teacher
“Trappers and Traders really has the students engaged. The game promotes critical thinking and problem solving, as well as insists on collaboration. Trappers and Traders shows students the birth of our economy and allows students to figure out the value of what their particular group has to trade. It’s a perfect segue to many other social studies projects (humanities). Highly recommend!”
–Kolin W., Grades 8 & 9 Social Studies and senior History Teacher
- Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Heritage Award for Public Outreach | Heritage Saskatchewan (2019)
- Public Communications Award | Canadian Archaeological Association (2019)