
Would you like to support the Saskatchewan
Archaeological Society?

We appreciate any and all forms of support including monetary donations as well as volunteers.

Charitable Donations

There are a number of ways to donate monetarily to our Society.
You may donate to our Society by mailing us a cheque, by calling in with your credit card number, or by filling out the donation form below. These donations can be general, or put toward a specific fund such as our:
  • Zenon Pohorecky Memorial Bursary Fund
  • Keith Lewis Memorial Student Paper Award
  • Research and Programs Fund

If you have securities or mutual funds that have increased in value since you bought them, you can donate those shares to charity. CanadaHelps is the first resource in Canada that offers direct donations of securities and mutual funds. The SAS is listed as a charity with CanadaHelps. By visiting their donation website, you can learn how to donate and find other charities. Or you can donate directly through CanadaHelps to us below using the form:

All donations over $10 and received by December 31st, will be issued a tax receipt for that tax year.


Volunteers are the lifeblood of every organization and that is especially true of our Society. Our volunteers help out whenever they can whether it is sitting on our Board, helping out at events, volunteering at the Chapter level, or assisting us in the office.

We have a number of volunteer opportunities available including adding metadata to our digital photo collection, video editing, artifact cataloguing, etc. Do you have an interest, knowledge or skill set you would like to share? The SAS is interested in learning about you and your story!

Volunteer Application

Step 1 of 4

Age Group

Funders and Supporters

sask lotteries
creative saskatchewan
sask culture
city of saskatoon
winter city
national trust for canada
community initiatives fund
icomos canada
globe printers
canadian museums association