October News from the SAS

Starting October 1 to December 31, 2023 the office will only be open Tuesday to Thursdays from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm. Staff can be reached via email or by phoning the office (306-664-4124).

Online Lecture

Registration is open!

Membership, Grants & Bursary Updates

2024 Membership Price Changes
With increasing production and distribution costs for print issues of the Quarterly magazine, the SAS Board approved a membership increase effective immediately for 2024 print memberships. Membership fees for digital (PDF) issues remain unchanged. All members who opt for the print publication will see an increase of $5. US customers will see a $10 increase. The new print membership fees are:
Student – $30
Senior – $40
Individual – $45
Family / Institution / Chapter – $55
US customers add $25

To renew your 2024 SAS membership, please contact the office or renew online.

Zenon Pohorecky Memorial Bursary & Member Funding Grant Deadlines
Both the Bursary and the Grant application deadlines are now January 31, 2024! Information and application forms are available here.

Chapter News

All Points Saskatchewan Archaeological Society:

Anthropology Students Association: The Archaeology and Anthropology Students’ Association (AASA) is now known as the “Anthropology Students’ Association” to reflect the name change to the Department of Anthropology at the University of Saskatchewan.

Prince Albert Historical Society: The Historical Museum is open weekdays between 9am and 4pm and Saturdays between 10am and 4pm. The Rotary Museum of Police and Corrections, Evolution of Education and John and Olive Diefenbaker Museum are all available by appointment. Please call the Historical Museum (306-764-2992) to book an appointment. The Bill Smiley Archive is also open to researchers by calling the Historical Museum. More information can be found on our website.

October 12 – PAHS Member Meeting at 7pm.

October 15 – Coffee and Conversation at 2pm at the Historical Museum: Garry Prokop will provide a presentation on the Prince Albert areas rural churches.

Regina Archaeological Society:
The Regina Archaeological Society will be joining the APSAS hosted RAS/APSAS partnered October talk on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 7:30 pm via Zoom featuring Dr. Margaret Kennedy. The title of her talk is: “Thoughts on the Patterning of Ceremonial Sites at the Forks of the Red Deer and the South Saskatchewan River”. To obtain the Zoom link please contact all.sas@sasktel.net.

Saskatoon Archaeological Society: The Saskatoon Chapter will be meeting on October 27 at 7:00 pm in the Archaeology Building (55 Campus Drive). This month’s speaker is Dr. Angela Lieverse (Department of Anthropology, University of Saskatchewan) speaking on “Behaviour in Our Bones: Trauma in the Middle Holocene Baikal Region”. For more information, contact the Chapter via email saskatoon.archaeology@gmail.com or visit their Facebook group.